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Can You Use Expired Eye Drops?

A patient happily holding a bottle of artificial tears.

Staying on top of your ocular health includes monitoring what you’re applying to or around your eyes. Like medication, makeup, or skincare, using expired products, like eye drops, can negatively impact our health and well-being.  No matter the type, all eye drops expire. Accidentally using expired drops once won’t necessarily cause harm, but continuing to […]

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How to Prevent Dry Eyes With Contacts?

Young woman holding contact lens on finger in front of her eye

Wearing contact lenses can offer convenience and comfort over traditional glasses, but they sometimes come with the unwelcome side effect of dry eyes. For many contact lens users, dry eyes can lead to irritation, discomfort, and even blurred vision. Understanding how to prevent and manage this condition is crucial for both the health of your […]

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Are Children’s Eye Exams Free in Ontario?

A child undergoing an eye exam.

As a parent, ensuring the health of your child’s eyesight is crucial in supporting their overall well-being and development. Fortunately, Ontario’s provincial government makes this a bit easier by covering the cost of children’s eye exams through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).
Eye exams aren’t the only thing covered by OHIP, but there are certain requirements to be aware of for covered services, which we’ll discuss in more detail below. The best thing to do is ask your child’s optometrist if you’re unsure if OHIP covers a specific eye-related service.

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How Much Are Eye Exams in Ontario?

A woman smiling and sitting behind a phoropter at the optometrist's office

Eye exams are an important part of maintaining good eye health. In Ontario, Canada, the cost of an eye exam can vary depending on factors such as location, type of exam, and additional services or tests required such as advanced diagnostic retinal imaging
In general, the cost of an eye exam in Ontario ranges from CAD 75 to CAD 250 This price can fluctuate based on the optometrist’s experience, the clinic’s location, and the complexity of the examination.
For individuals under 20 comprehensive eye exams are covered every 12 months. For over 65, comprehensive eye exams are covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) once every 18 months, and up to 2 follow-up assessments that may be necessary.

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